Scientology Divisions, Departments, Front Groups, and Associated Businesses

This is NOT an inclusive list… 
ABC Mouse (member owned) 
Applied Philosophy 
Applied Scholastics 
ARC Straight wire 
Association for Better Living and Education International (ABLE) 
Author Services, Inc. 
Book One (Dianetics) 
Bridge Publications 
Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights (psychiatry watchdog) 
Clearsound (studio) 
Clearwater International Academy 
Delphi Schools 
Effective Education Publishing 
Foundation for Religious Freedom 
Hollander Consultants 
Hubbard College of Administration 
In Support of a Drug-Free World 
Internation Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance  
International Academy of Detoxification Specialists 
International Executive Technologies Inc. 
L Ron Hubbard Library 
Meridian Consultants 
MGE Management Group 
New Cult Awareness Network (!!) 
New Era…Medical, etc. 
Religious Technologies Center (management of Scientology intellectual property, Miscavige owns copyrights) 
Rock for Human Rights 
Silken Management 
Social Betterment Properties International (SBPI, real estate management corporation for ABLE) 
Social Coordination Bureau of the Guardian’s Office (SoCo, predecessor to ABLE) 
Stellar Management 
Survival Strategies, Inc. 
Teryl (publishing) 
The Way to Happiness Foundation International 
Truth About Drugs 
United for Human Rights 
Volunteer Ministries 
World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE, business management using LRH methods) 
World Literacy Crusade 
Youth for Human Rights International